Our kids are the future, and we want them to be safe behind the wheel of a vehicle!  It’s important for parents and teens to know and understand some things that could place teenage drivers in danger.  According to AAA, motor vehicle crashes are the #1 leading cause of teens ages 16-19 in the U.S.  Teens are 3X more likely to be killed in a crash than drivers 20 years of age and older.  Due to teen drivers’ lack of experience and skills, there are several factors that significantly increase danger behind the wheel for them. 

  • Passengers: Of course teenagers enjoy having friends in the car with them.  But it is important to understand that for each passenger under the age of 21, the risk of death increases significantly.  Statistics show us that although the risks associated with teen passengers are many times overlooked, it is something every parent and teen driver should understand. 
  • 1 Passenger (under age 21): Risk of death increases of 44% 
  • 2 Passengers (under age 21): Risk of death doubles 
  • 3+ Passengers (under age 21): Risk of death quadruples 

Teenage drivers with a passenger age 35 or older decreases the risk of death by 62%! 

  • Time of day: After dark, a teen drivers’ risk of death is 3X higher than that of adult drivers. 
  • Seat Belts: Despite being told over and over they need to wear a seat belt; too many teens still drive or ride in a vehicle without buckling up.  Maybe if they understood that more than half (51%) of all teens killed in car crashes in 2021 were not wearing a seatbelt.  It only takes a second to put on, and for those who don’t think it’s “cool”, it is a LOT “cooler” than a funeral. 
  • Speed: Once they are off on their own, teens’ confidence in their driving skills continues to grow, and unfortunately many times it grows beyond what their actual abilities are behind the wheel.  Excessive speed contributed to 30% of fatal car crashes involving teenage drivers in 2021. 
  • Distracted: This is a major culprit contributing to teen crashes.  AAA conducted a recent study that showed 6 out of 10 moderate-to-severe crashes involving teen drivers involved a distracted driver.  This includes 89% of crashes where the vehicle went off the road, and 76% of rear end crashes.   Everyone knows cell phones are a major cause for distraction, but keep in mind that friends, music and GPS can also play a role in pulling a driver’s attention away from the road. 
  • Drowsy: Many of today’s teens are very busy.  Between studies, sports, theatre, band, and social plans, our teens have a lot going on.  This can lead to exhaustion and too little sleep.  In 2021, 6725 drivers lost their lives to drowsy driving.  Drivers ages 16-24 are the highest risk category for falling victim to sleeping behind the wheel.  Be aware of how much sleep your teenager is getting, and if they are lacking in Zzzz’s, don’t let them take the car keys. 
  • Impaired: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs puts everyone on the road at risk.  Have a conversation with your teen to make sure they understand the dangers and consequences.  We suggest making a deal with your teenager, that if they have even 1 sip of alcohol, they are not to drive a car.  They can call you, or get use a ride share like Uber, and there will not be consequences at home.  Fear of getting in trouble with parents is a common reason teen make the choice to drive under the influence.